


  amplify  英["mplifai];%20美["mplifai]  v.  1.[T]扩大,详述,使增幅  2.[I]引伸,补充叙述  英英释义  increase%20the%20volume%20of  exaggerate%20or%20make%20bigger  increase%20in%20size,%20volume%20or%20significance  to%20enlarge%20beyond%20bounds%20or%20the%20truth  访问沪江小D查看%20amplify%20的更多详细解释>  词形变化  时态:amplified,amplifying,amplifies。  同反义词  同义词:expand,inflate,blow%20up;magnify;exaggerate,hyerbolise,hyperbolize,magnify,overdraw,overstate。  反义词:downplay,minimise,minimize,understate。  近义词辨析  近义词辨析:这些动词均有“增加,增大”或“扩大”之意。  enlarge:主要指面积或体积等的扩大。  amplify:在科技中常指声音的扩大或电磁波的增强。也指补充了细节、详述或扩大内容等。此词系正式用语。  expand:指范围、程度、体积和尺寸等方面的扩大或增加。  increase:指数量、强度和大小等方面的扩大或增加。%20  magnify:可指用光学仪器使物体看上去显得变大;也指事实上把某物增大,有时用于夸张意味。  multiply:通常指自然繁殖而产生的增长,有时也指同类事物数量的成倍增加。  augment:较正式用词,一般指在原有的基础上增加含量而扩大。  相关短语  amplify%20of%20bipolar%20transistor  双极晶体管放大  amplify%20on  详述,进一步阐述  amplify%20one"s%20effort  加倍努力  amplifying%20circuit  放大电路  amplifying%20coefficient  【电】%20放大系数  amplifying%20delay%20line  放大延迟线  amplifying%20device  放大装置  amplifying%20element  放大元件  amplifying%20gate%20structure  放大门电路结构  amplifying%20head  放大头  参考例句  Amplify%20the%20sound,electric%20current,signal  增强声音,电流,信号.  Amplify%20the%20scope%20of%20discussion  扩大讨论的范围  Amplify%20any%20variant%20frequency%20cycle%20and%20route%20them%20to%20me.  



【%20***%20指南】  首先,DSTT的皮肤分为上下屏两个部分,其中上屏显示ROM详细信息;而下屏则为ROM列表,所有图片均为24位BMP图片构成,使用诸如PHOTOSHOP等较为通用的图片编辑软件即可进行设计与%20***%20(请勿修改原始图片的尺寸大小以免造成显示错误)。  上屏的元件构成比较简单,仅为bgUp.bmp(TTMenu\skin\default\)一张图片。所以在 *** 的时候相对比较简单,而细节处能够发挥的便是背景图片与图片与文字间的配合:对于图标,不妨可以在图标周围设计出别具一格的能够与背景相适应的边框,这样就不会令图标显得那么的突兀,而文字背景部分则需要注意定义skin.ini内的文字的颜色与背景层的颜色与ALPHA值,以免与背景相混淆而无法看清(官方默认皮肤就有这个缺点)。    上屏各区域的定位坐标与范围,大家可以根据该图与实例照片进行 *** ,其中红 *** 域为相应的范围,而青色则为其边距,可以直接将其套用到PHOTOSHOP中间进行 *** 。  相对于上屏,下屏幕的构成则复杂的多, *** 时重心则需要放在在各个按钮图标的设计与背景的配合上(由于元件较多,相应文件的对应位置请参考后问附录部分的说明),如果是UI设计的老手便一定会知道,通过按钮图片的两种状态的加工能,显示诸如半透明等多种效果,并且尽管所有的按钮以及图标均是规则的矩形,但却可以通过与背景图片重叠与裁切实现许多特殊形状以及效果的按钮设计。下屏元件尺寸及位置(红色及******为范围尺寸,青色为边据,数字以像素为单位)。除此以外,由于滚动条可以进行拖动,所以需要 *** 两张不同的图片来进行显示。


    除了主界面之外,下屏在进入选项菜单后界面的顶部的选项卡与底部的状态栏都会发生变化,头部则由“系统设置”变为了“选项”与“金手指”,两个选项卡,而底部的状态栏则变为了BACK与CANCEL两个按钮。所有选项卡的按钮均为同一套图片,而文字则是内核加载。而底部的按钮的文字则分别由不同的图片进行显示,在 *** 时需要进行注意。另外,菜单背景与主界面背景采用的是相同的图片,所以不可以对列表区域进行过多的修饰,以免进入菜单后出现“不和谐”的情况。  简单的说明了上下屏的结构。现在总结整个皮肤的 *** 流程:  首先应该有一个清晰的思路,明确自己要 *** 一个怎样的界面,比如 *** 一个《最终幻想4》的皮肤;  然后便是寻找相应的素材,一般的可以采用游戏的原画以及壁纸(对于高阶的设计师,则可以使用模拟器截取游戏画面进行分解);  接下去整理素材,按照先背景后图标的顺序进行设计与 *** ;  当 *** 好之后别忘了要在真实的环境下进行测试,检查各个画面是否正确显示,如果有不满意的地方要及时地进行修整;  最后,当然是打包与发布,让其他玩家也能分享你的杰作。


  下面是相关模板的下载与详细的文件说明,相信能对大家有所帮助,快开始动手设计只属于你自己的皮肤吧。  官方1.07内核以及默认皮肤:  上下屏元件模板(BMP及分层PSD)以便大家 *** 皮肤时进行参考比对:  【相关元件说明】  文件说明(microSD:\TTMenu\skin\default)24位的位图格式(*.BMP 24Bit)  bgUp.bmp——上屏幕背景图(256×192)  bgDown.bmp——下屏幕背景图(256×192)  arrowUp.bmp——屏幕右侧滚动条上端(14×14)  arrowDown.bmp——屏幕右侧滚动条下端(14×14)  scrollBarBg.bmp——屏幕右侧滚动条背景(16×1,填充)  scrollBarOn.bmp——屏幕右侧滚动条,拖拽(14×21)  scrollBarOff.bmp——屏幕右侧滚动条(14×21)  underLine.bmp——栏头下划线(256×4)  statusBar.bmp——底部状态栏(256×16)  chtOn.bmp——金手指条目,复选框已选中(13×13)  chtOff.bmp——金手指条目,复选未选中(13×13)  folder.bmp——金手指条目,有扩展选项(13×13)  comboBox.bmp——下拉框(16×16)  radioOn.bmp——金手指条目,单选已选中(13×13)  radioOff.bmp——金手指条目,单选未选中(13×13)  checkbox_on.bmp——单选已选中(13×13)  checkbox_off.bmp——单选未选中(13×13)  tableBtnOn.bmp——选项卡,未选中(64×20)  tableBtnOff.bmp——选项卡,选中(64×20)  BtnOn.bmp——系统选项按钮,未选中(96×20)  BtnOff.bmp——系统选项按钮,选中(96×20)  back.bmp——返回上一级按钮(72×16)  cancel.bmp——取消当前设置按钮(72×16)  save.bmp——保存设置(72×16)  start.bmp——开始按钮,未使用(72×16)  nextbtn.bmp——扩展选项(16×16)  icocheat.bmp——金手指(16×16)  icodmaread.bmp——DMA加速(16×16)  icodownplay.bmp——Downloadplay游戏(16×16)  icosoftreset.bmp——软复位(16×16)  


Downplay的《Fade Away》 歌词

  歌曲名:Fade Away  歌手:Downplay  专辑:Beyond The Machine  Take Me Away(我走)  I cannot find a way  To describe it  Its there  Inside  All I do is hide  I wish  That it  Would just go away  What would  You do?  You do?  If you knew...  What would you do?  All the pain  I thought I knew  All these thoughts lead back to you  Back to what  Was never said  Back and forth  Inside my head  I cant handle this confusion  Im unable  Come and take me away  I feel  Like I  Am alone  All by  Myself  I need to get around this  My words  Are cold  I dont want them to hurt you  If I  Show you  I dont think youd understand  Cause no one understsands  All the pain  ]I thought I knew  All these thoughts lead back to you  Back to what  Was never said  Back and forth  Inside my head  I cant handle this confusion  Im unable  Come and take me away  Im going nowhere  On and on and...  Im getting nowhere  On and on and...  Take me away  Im going nowhere  On and on and...  Up and on and  Up and on  All the pain  I thought I knew  All these thoughts lead back to you  Back to what  Was never said  Back and forth  Inside my head  I cant handle this confusion  Im unable  Come and take me away  Take me away  Take me away  


  a low key; a low tone; undertones  low; low-key(ed); low-pitched  



急~英语作文~how to advertise efficiently

  If you"re interested in recruitment advertising, you need to be efficient about it, or you won"t have the success that you"re looking for and you won"t get the right person for the job. Here are ten tips to help you do well:  1. Put all of your resumes and applications in a database when they are received. It lets you retrieve data much more easily, often by just searching for one keyword.  2. Make sure you contact their references, because they might not be as honest about who they know and how they know them as they should be.  3. Make sure that you"re formal and professional when it comes to letting people know if they got the job.  4. The Internet can be your friend, so don"t be afraid to advertise your job there.  5. Make sure you"re clear about what is expected of the applicant.  6. Show the applicants that you are offering them a good career opportunity.  7. Post in different categories and on different sites - there might not be a "one size fits all" description of the job you"re offering.  8. Make a Website for your company and for the job recruitment so that people have one place to go to apply and you can keep track of the steady flow of applications and resumes.  9. Don"t downplay important aspects of the job because you think someone might not want to do them. If you aren"t honest up front, you won"t find the right person.  10. If you aren"t planning on filling the job right away, let people know that. Set a time limit for sending resumes and applications and stick to it.  It"s easy to make mistakes when you"re looking for someone to work for you, but you don"t have to struggle with problems that you could easily avoid. Take the time to learn a little bit more about recruitment and the right ways to advertise for what you want and need in a new employee. Then, be willing to look at what people have to offer and don"t just settle for the first person who applies.  Wait until you have the chance to look at quite a few people"s resumes and applications so that you"re sure you"re getting the right person for the job. Once you check that person"s references and hire him or her, you can relax a bit and feel safe in the assumption that the person will likely work out and stay with the job, stopping you from having to go through the whole process again any time soon.  This article was written by Tom Sangers for MKH Advertising