

英语问题,类似none the less no more than none other than

  专四很简单的  随便考考就行了  不要太紧张  

none the less

  isn"t it suppose to be nonetheless???  nonetheless:  (a.)虽然如此;但是  资料来源(2): WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]  nonetheless  adv : despite anything to the contrary (usually following a  concession); "although I"m a little afraid, however I"d  like to try it"; "while we disliked each other,  nevertheless we agreed"; "he was a stern yet fair  master"; "granted that it is dangerous, all the same I  still want to go" [syn: {however}, {nevertheless}, {withal},  {still}, {yet}, {all the same}, {even so}, {notwithstanding}]  

None the less的用法

  解作:仍然,依然  例句:  He has faults , but I like him none the less .   他有缺点,但我仍旧喜欢他。  

有but做转折了,为什么还要nonetheless。adv. nonetheless在这里是起什么作用?

  强调。  尽管不是巨大的损害,却也是个实实在在的伤害啊!  


  NHK : 大多数的情况下...however 和 nevertheless / nonetheless 是可以互相交换使用的...意思是说...可以完全取代对方...但是...它们在文法上...仍然有1点点的差别...nevertheless 会应用在...跟前文不协调的时候...就是英文常说的 however = but...而 however 是除了前文以外...仍然会涉及1些前文没有提到的原因...所以...同1句句子...在某情况下...会用 however 或 nevertheless...是有稍稍不同的意思...或许换个角度说...nevertheless = in spite of...而 however = in spite of + on the other hand...还有1个特别的用法...就是比较起前文的时候...nevertheless / nonetheless 会带有1点惊讶的意味...但 However 就没有..."Nevertheless" tells you that the following information is surprising in view of the previous information..."However" does not have this connotation of unexpectedness...for example..."Japanese is a very difficult language. Nonetheless she spoke it quite fluently after only 6 months in Tokyo." this example..."However" can be adapted too.....BUT....."Japanese is a very difficult language. However we can drop it in the second year."...Nonetheless / Nevertheless cannot be adpated to replace "However" in the second example as there is no surprising information..........  

nevertheless, nonetheless 的用法

  两个都可以作副词,这时两个可以互换。 但nevertheless还可以作连词,也就说后面能够直接接一个句子,但nonetheless只是副词,必须用逗号与后面的句子分开,而且前面的句子后是句号而不是逗号。如:  The policeman told them to leave, nevertheless they seemed not to hear.  The policeman told them to leave. Nonetheless they seemed not to hear.